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Content Knowledge

Teacher Development

What I Believe: 

Content knowledge gives teachers a backbone for the continuation and success of the students in their classroom. Alabama shows the rationale for content knowledge as teachers having a deep knowledge of the academic disciplines related to the subjects of instruction. It is comprehending and understanding the curriculum on a deeper level so that you can teach it well to your students. It is more than memorizing. Content knowledge will be evident in my classroom because of its evidence in plans and assignments at Auburn University. Auburn has given me a deep understanding and basis for which I can continue to improve upon and, ultimately, bring into my own classroom.


Relevant Courses: 

BIOL- Biology & Lab

MATH - Elementary Math 1 & 2, Pre-Calculus Math Elective & Pre-Trigonometry Math Elective

ENGL - English Composition 1 & 2

GEOL - Geology: Dynamic Earth

SCMH - Concepts of Science

ECON - Principles of Microeconomics

POLI - American Government in Multicultural World

Content Knowledge: Projects

My Projects

Content Knowledge

Growing independence is a topic that I am passionate about in the classroom because of its overwhelming help to the children later on into their education, and their career. That is why growing independency and fluency in reading allows the student to become more aware of what their are learning instead of how to learn it.

Better Than Carrots or Sticks, Restorative Practices for Positive Classroom Management is a topic novel that was chosen in order to gain a better understanding as to how classroom management can truly be the difference between a negative and positive classroom experience.

The best way to learn is through experience. Take a deeper look into the atmosphere that I reacted to at Wrights Mill Road Elementary School. It was a joy to be apart of an environment that truly cared and valued the opinions and ideas of the students.

This is my content knowledge with science, and it expresses what I am looking forward to learning as I continue my studies at Auburn University. I am excited to work through learning how best to teach science as a curriculum subject.

Content Knowledge: Projects
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