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A Real Success

Literacy is a skill that I fully believe pushes a student to new heights. This is evident in the assignments that I have been apart of at Auburn University because of my time as a Journalism major. Although I did find a passion for teaching, the classes that I was apart of as a Journalism major also gave me great insight to the literacy needed in a student's life. I will use this in my classroom in order to help the students reach beyond their grade level in reading, writing, and speaking. Journalism has given me an insight to this, and teaching has perfected that. 


Relevant Courses: 

CTRD - Foundations Language and Literature Instruction

CTRD - Foundations Language and Literature Instruction 2

CMJN - Concepts of Communications and Journalism 

FLSP - Elementary Spanish 1 & Elementary Spanish 2

JRNL 1100 - Journalism Fundamentals 

JRNL 2213 - News-writing 

JRNL 2310 - Reporting

Literacy: Project

My Projects


There comes a time when it a design is needed in order to create the best plan to teach a student certain phonemic correspondences. Take a look at how I best utilize the work and skill set I have been taught at Auburn University, and use it to create an overall plan for a student.

For beginning readers, it is difficult not to feel frustrated when you are trying to finally comprehend and understand the books that you are reading. Thankfully, Auburn University has given me many resources and tools to be able to combat this so that the students can be ready to work hard and understand what they are reading. Take a look!

During my time at one school, I had the opportunity to work with a wonderful student. This report is to be expected and used for my further research in Elementary Education. All students have their situations and challenges, and thankfully, this student allowed me to truly learn through experience during my time in my major.

To understand literacy, we must pay close attention to the details in the text that we choose. I worked with a nonfiction and fiction book fit for elementary students in an effort to push the vocabulary bounds as to what best serves them. Literacy will look different between tiers, but growth can happen with this understanding.

Literacy: Projects
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