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  • dnj0003

Intelligence and Ability Needed in Schools

Updated: Apr 22, 2020


Intelligence is the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new experiences. After watching the video, I truly feel that professionals are side-stepping the issues for testing an intelligence. If someone is a great speller, but a terrible mathematician, are they still considered an overall intelligent person? Why are we still basing everything off of these specific subjects. It honestly makes me angry that people are still suggesting subjects or standardized tests make the best source of being intelligent. Creativity is an amazing way to be intelligent, and it creates intelligence for other things. I feel that we need a better system. Why haven't we come up with one? I think we are giving excuses.

I believe that students should learn the abilities of how taxes work, and the way to handle money and finances well. One of the biggest issues that is facing our generation today is debt. We are accumulating debt at an alarming rate, and it is impossible to take that away unless we are versed in finances and what that means. Our behavior is based off of our environment, and anxiety comes with stress. We need help in this. I would measure this intelligence by, first, an online data analysis of students in high school to see what they know about financial literacy. I would, then, propose a class to better help the students understand their own finances. This is not economics, but it is a real life scenario. To end, I would create situational lives for the students in order to understand and get 'out of debt' that they encountered to show they know the steps needed to do this. 

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