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  • dnj0003

How Do Students Think?


Constructivism is basically allowing the student to be the teacher. As a student myself, this is the best way for me to learn a new topic because I have the capability of learning the topic myself, and I can come to my own conclusion of that topic. I am in three different classrooms that do teach differently, but one classroom in particular allows the students to be able to predict their own conclusions as they teach themselves the material. For example, we used Oreos in this class to create the different moons that our earth sees throughout the month. These students were given the opportunity to predict and create these moons based on their own findings with technology.

It was incredible to see the work that they put in to make sure the answer was correct, but it also allowed them to be their own teacher with small guidance from my supervising teacher. She told me to help only if they truly needed it, and she would not give out the answers. She would allow the students to create and find their own conclusions based on the standards that she had for them. Social constructivism was mostly used throughout this as the children could reach out to other people in their groupings in order to all come to the correct conclusion. And to be honest, I believe that they learned the material more. It was interactive, but they also became their own source of learning which helps and creates a different outlook for taking tests or quizzes on their own.

Students need to be able to find the answer without the help of others because a teacher will not always be around to guide them to the right answer. I do believe that there are potential barriers that are in effect as well in other classrooms that I am with. I have one teacher that truly does not believe that mistakes are a good thing. I use to not believe this myself. I felt that, at an early age, I was coached to make sure that I was on the right track with the right answers, but this does not create an environment where a student can learn and be their own source of learning. Mistakes are good.

Another barrier could be the amount of graded assignments given in a class. I could see a teacher giving so many graded assignments, that the students begin to memorize, and they are not learning. The material does not stick because of all of the work that is put on top of it. Students need breaks too. We all do, and I believe that this hinders their overall learning capabilities because they have no time to think. All that they do is memorize. 

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